Wages by Occupation


Because individuals and specific occupations can get lost in indicators like our data on average annual and average quarterly wage rates, we are publishing average annual wages from the Bureau of Labor Statistics for specific occupations in 25 categories. Local pay is tracked against comparables in 16 benchmark cities.

Occupations where Pittsburgh ranked above benchmark regions in annual pay in 2017 were Elementary School Teachers, Production Occupations, Civil Engineers, Family and General Practitioners and Financial Managers.

Occupations where Pittsburgh ranked below benchmark regions in annual pay were Computer Programmers, Registered Nurses, Retail Salespersons, Personal and Home Care Aides, Accountants and Construction Laborers, First-Line Retail Supervisors, Industrial Production Managers, Plumbers and Pipefitters, Team Assemblers, Child Care Workers, Cooks (Institution and Cafeteria), Customer Service Representatives, Police and Sheriff Patrol Officers, Machinists, Waiters and Waitresses, and Hotel, Motel and Resort Desk Clerks.


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Data Source(s):

Bureau of Labor Statistics