Year-Over-Year Job Growth


The Pittsburgh region gained 14,800 jobs between July 2017 and July 2018, a 1.4 percent increase over the year.  That percentage falls below the benchmark average of 2.3 percent growth.

According to the preliminary numbers, in the 12-month period, retail jobs declined by 1.5 percent (the largest decline among the benchmark regions), wholesale trade declined by 2.3 percent (the second-largest decline), financial activities declined by 1.6 percent (the third-largest decline), government declined by .2 percent (the fifth-largest decline) and trade, transportation and utilities declined by 1 percent (the largest decline).

Sectors which gained jobs in the 12-month period were mining, logging and construction (up 3.3 percent), business and professional services (up 1.2 percent), leisure and hospitality (up 4.1 percent), education and health services (up 2.0 percent), information (up 1.6 percent) and manufacturing (up 2.2 percent).

To view particular sectors, please click on the drop down menu below.

To view job growth rates over the five-year period, click here.


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Data Source(s):

Bureau of Labor Statistics

These figures are for U.S. Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA).

Job totals are in thousands. Current month data are preliminary.

Data not seasonally adjusted figures.